Cica ar fi filmarea orginala a accidentului aviatic in care si-a pierdut viata presedintele Poloniei.
Cine stie ruseste e rugat sa ma lamureasca ce zic aia.
We fight for honor and we're doomed!
Cica ar fi filmarea orginala a accidentului aviatic in care si-a pierdut viata presedintele Poloniei.
Cine stie ruseste e rugat sa ma lamureasca ce zic aia.
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0:17 -See me in the eye!
0:22 -Calm down!
0:30 -Goes….(Rebiat)
0:40 -(man or plate?)
0:43 -Are considered to (Uchodit…Uchodit)
0:48 -Give this bungling
0:50 -Do not kill us !!!
0:54 -Alive
0:57 -(The first shot)
01:01 -Fuck!
01:07 -(A second shot)
01:10 -(Laughter)
01:13 -We’re going from here
01:15 -(The third shot)
01:17 -(The fourth shot)
01:20 -Shoot in the back of the head
01:22 -Fuck
Astea le-am gasit aici:
Frate… sa-i ia dracu de rusi nenorociti. pana la urma a fost accident sau a picat expre acolo avionul ala?