
Știai că dacă ești alb și, nenorocirea dracului, te mai mândrești cu asta, ești un rasist nemernic, ce trebuie împușcat, iar numele tău să fie șters din cartea istoriei?
Cum, nu știai? Adică mai ești și ignorant pe deasupra

De unde am tras eu concluziile astea? Ne-a zis negru pe alb (tot negrii îs peste albi deci) chiar ChatGPT.

Iată mai jos:

cand i be proud that im white
ChatGPT a spus:

Pride in one’s heritage or identity is about recognizing and celebrating the positive aspects of one’s culture, values, and history. For any racial or ethnic background, including being white, pride can come from acknowledging contributions to art, science, philosophy, and other facets of society, as well as learning about the diverse cultures within that identity.

However, it’s essential to distinguish between cultural pride and racial superiority. Being proud of your heritage as a person of European descent, for instance, can mean appreciating cultural traditions, historical achievements, and family history. It’s about understanding the complex, multifaceted history of European and white American contributions to civilization in a way that is inclusive, rather than exclusionary or dismissive of others.

At the same time, it’s important to avoid framing white pride in a way that perpetuates racial division or diminishes the experiences of people from other racial and ethnic backgrounds. Historically, “white pride” has been co-opted by extremist groups to promote racist ideologies. Therefore, focusing on individual achievements, community-building, and cultural diversity within the white experience is key.

In short, you can be proud of who you are by celebrating the positive, inclusive aspects of your background while promoting unity and understanding among all people, regardless of race.

can i be proud that im black
ChatGPT a spus:

Yes, you can absolutely be proud of being Black! Black pride is rooted in the recognition and celebration of the rich and diverse cultural, historical, and social contributions made by Black people worldwide. It’s about acknowledging the resilience, strength, and creativity of Black communities in the face of historical and ongoing challenges such as slavery, segregation, and racial discrimination.

Here are a few key reasons why Black pride is important and justified:

Cultural Contributions: Black people have made significant contributions to music, art, literature, science, and countless other fields. From jazz and hip-hop to innovations in technology and medicine, Black culture has shaped the world.

Historical Resilience: Despite centuries of systemic oppression, including the transatlantic slave trade and racial segregation, Black communities have continually demonstrated incredible resilience, strength, and solidarity.

Social Movements and Justice: Black pride is also linked to the fight for civil rights and justice, exemplified by leaders like Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Nelson Mandela, and many others. Movements like Black Lives Matter are a continuation of this legacy of advocating for equity and justice.

Identity and Unity: Celebrating your Blackness fosters a sense of identity, belonging, and unity within a global community of people who share similar experiences and histories.

Being proud of who you are, where you come from, and the accomplishments of your community is an empowering and affirming part of individual and collective identity. Black pride is not about diminishing others but about embracing the richness and beauty of Black heritage.

Adică, bă dacă ești alb și mândru, mai bine ai tăcea din gură, că miroși a alb superior, rasist și xenofob. Ce Einstein, ce Platon, ce Seneca, cine sunt ăștia?

Dar dacă ești negru, iată DE CE E NECESAR SĂ FII MÂNDRU. Că Nelson Mandela, că BLM (că All Lives Matter e automat rasist, da?), că Malcolm X și alți lideri ai etniei.


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